M.E. Zamarin1, V.V. Kornev2
1,2 JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)
Problem statement: In the radio monitoring system, it is necessary to ensure the reception of an electromagnetic wave having arbitrary polarization, with maximum efficiency, which is understood as achieving the maximum signal-to-noise ratio in the processing channel. This is provided primarily by polarization adaptation, which means providing a physical condition for matching the receiving antenna with the received electromagnetic wave in such a way that all the power of the electromagnetic wave incident on it is released at the antenna terminals. The implementation of the concept of "digit at the antenna output" in radio surveillance equipment allows you to transfer the control of the basis of the "digital" antenna to the field of mathematical transformations of the accepted values of EMV intensities described within the quadrature values of the envelope of signals at the antenna outputs orthogonal in polarization.
Goal: A technique for estimating the polarization parameters of a monochromatic wave through the Stokes parameters is known, but it is characterized by biased parameter estimates in the case of a total field, that is, a field in which a partially polarized fluctuating component is additionally present. The purpose of the article is that for the proposed scheme of polarization adaptation, an algorithm is synthesized that provides unbiased estimates of adaptation parameters when receiving a signal against the background of receiving channel noise, including when the power of these noises is unequal.
Results: Based on the Stokes parameters and the estimation of the quadratic magnitude of the amplitudes of the orthogonal components of the non-fluctuating monochromatic component of the field, the coherence matrix of the monochromatic electromagnetic wave is evaluated. The coefficients of the obtained coherence matrix are the basis for calculating the parameters of the polarization adaptation scheme and calculating the geometric parameters of the polarization of the monochromatic wave.
Practical significance: The considered algorithm for processing signal components from polarization orthogonal antenna outputs makes it possible to maximize and evaluate the signal-to-noise ratio in the processing channel in radio monitoring systems and simultaneously evaluate the polarization parameters of the received signal. The polarization parameters complement the signal descriptor, which increases the informativeness of the secondary processing of signal information.
The influence of the observation interval – the number of averaging points when calculating the Stokes parameters and estimating the quadratic magnitude of the amplitudes of the orthogonal components of the non-fluctuating monochromatic component of the field - on the values of the errors in estimating the adaptation parameters and polarization of the received signal is considered.
Zamarin M.E., Kornev V.V. Polarization adaptation when receiving a monochromatic electromagnetic wave. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 5. P. 43−54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202205-06 (In Russian)
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