V.V. Mukhin
Joint-stock company «Ural Design Bureau «Detail» (Kamensk-Uralsky, Russia)
Formulation of the problem. The frequency range of radars designated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) covers a very wide frequency range. Consequently, the technical solutions used in the radar, their characteristics and applications are significantly frequency dependent. The greatest difficulty arises when creating airborne radars, when strict requirements are imposed on the overall, mass and energy characteristics of such systems. A particular difficulty for the designer is the limited size of the antenna aperture of the airborne radar.
Target. Optimization of radar wavelength for maximum range with limited radar antenna dimensions.
Results. The methodology for selecting the frequency range of the radar operation has been developed, which consists in the following. In accordance with the purpose, the required characteristics and the installation site, for the projected radar, the longest path of radio wave propagation in the atmosphere is selected and, according to the ITU methods, the attenuation of radio waves along the path is calculated in the entire possible frequency range of the radiated signal for simple weather conditions and in the presence of clouds. Then, for a given size of the radar antenna and atmospheric parameters, the relative change in the radar range from frequency is calculated and the wavelength corresponding to the maximum increase in the range is selected. At the final stage, the wavelength is refined depending on the parameters of the transmitting and receiving equipment, signal losses during processing in the radar equipment, taking into account the design and technological limitations of the equipment, as well as the radar parameters of the target and the terrain background.
Practical significance. The resulting technique allows you to select the operating frequency range of the radar with stringent requirements for the overall weight and energy characteristics, providing the maximum range.
Mukhin V.V. Selection of the frequency range of the onboard radar. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 3. P. 37−45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202203-04 (In Russian)
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