Yu.L. Koziratsky1, D.V. Prokhorov2, E.M. Shutko3
1-3 MESC AF "Air Force Academy named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" (Voronezh, Russia)
Formulation of the problem. Problematic issues of aircraft security determine the search for ways to solve them, one of which is to improve information support, especially from the rear hemisphere. The proposed method of passive optical location using the own radiation of the aircraft engine has a number of advantages in comparison with the known number of advantages and can allow to expand the possibilities of information support of aircraft from the side of the rear hemisphere. To substantiate the proposed method, it is necessary to develop an appropriate mathematical apparatus.
Target. Evaluation of the possibility of using optical radiation from a jet engine of an aircraft as a source of a probing signal for optical location in the rear hemisphere.
Results. The possibility of using optical radiation of an aircraft jet engine as a source of a probing signal for optical location in the rear hemisphere is considered. The method of passive optical location using the own radiation of the aircraft engine has been substantiated. Using the methods of the theory of optimal reception and photometry, a method is proposed for estimating the distance to an object based on a statistical analysis of data on the delay time of the reflected signal, taking into account the description of the process of forming a probing signal by an engine flame as a radiating volume with a varying temperature distribution. A method is proposed for determining the angular coordinates of an object based on an estimate of the magnitude of the displacement of the energy center of the object image in the plane of the matrix photodetector relative to its optical axis.
Practical significance. The proposed method of passive optical location using the aircraft engine's own radiation will expand the possibilities of information support for aircraft from the side of the rear hemisphere.
Koziratsky Yu.L., Prokhorov D.V., Shutko E.M. Evaluation of the possibility of using the optical radiation of an aircraft jet engine
flare as a probing signal for optical locating in the rear hemisphere. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 2. P. 75−86.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202202-09 (In Russian)
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