V.P. Meschanov1, K.A. Sayapin2
1,2 NIKA-Microwave, Ltd (Saratov, Russia)
Coaxial-to-waveguide transitions are used in microwave radio-electronic equipment to match coaxial and waveguide transmission lines. Depending on the type of electromagnetic connection, coaxial-to-waveguide transitions are divided into inductive and capacitive types. At the same time, there is a classification of transitions based on the mutual arrangement of matched transmission lines: coaxial and angular coaxial-to-waveguide transitions are distinguished. In this paper, we consider a new type of corner coaxial-to-waveguide transitions with an inductive type of coupling, in which the input of the coaxial transmission line is carried out through the narrow side wall of the waveguide. The matching element in them is made in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped located on the wide wall of the waveguide and shifted from its longitudinal axis to the side wall. A transition from a rectangular waveguide with a channel cross-section of 23x10 mm to a coaxial line with internal dimensions of 2.92/1.27 mm (2.92 mm (K) Connectors) has been developed and numerically studied. In a frequency band with a relative width of 8-10%, the transition provides a return loss level of at least 22 dB. The results of the research can be useful to scientists and engineers involved in the development of radio-electronic equipment in the microwave range.
The investigations was funded by Russian Science Foundation (project №22-19-00357, https://rscf.ru/project/22-19-00357).
Meschanov V.P., Sayapin K.A. Modified structure of the coaxial-waveguide transition of the inductive type. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 12. P. 131−136. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202212-12 (In Russian)
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