A.V. Saltsberg1, K.G. Shupen2, A.Yu. Feoktistov3
1-3 Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Due to the widespread use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) in all areas of modern society, the requirements for the accuracy of the provided navigation services are constantly increasing. In turn the accuracy is substantially defined by properties of the atomic frequency standard of (AFS) onboard the GNSS satellite. The type of AFS and its characteristics are crucial for building a GNSS time synchronization strategy to reduce the contribution of the satellite clock time offset prediction error in the value of an equivalent range that determines the accuracy of navigation, coordinate and time definitions of a GNSS user.
The purpose of this work is to analyze the characteristics of GNSS onboard AFS of different types and to present potential estimates of the synchronization accuracy of satellite clock time scales for different GNSS based on real data.
In the paper the analysis of the results of onboard AFSs operation is performed, estimates of their accuracy characteristics based on publicly available data are presented, a review of available sources of information is made, interpretation of the received results in terms of the analysis of noise composition for AFSs types is obtained, and the potential prediction accuracy of satellite clock time offset corrections is estimated.
The results of comparative analysis of the characteristics of the AFSs used in modern GNSS allows us to determine the most perspective ways of GLONASS development.
Saltsberg A.V., Shupen K.G., Feoktistov A.Yu. Evaluation of GNSS on-orbit satellites atomic clocks during operation. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 11. P. 152−161. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202211-22 (In Russian)
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