A.V. Nemov1
1 Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
An important part of some radio systems radio-field monitoring devices is the equipment for localization of directions to radiation sources, based on the use of small-sized adaptive measuring antenna arrays with digital signal processing. Such antennas in the extended interpretation are called “smart antennas”. In measuring antenna arrays to increase the resolution, it is advisable to use a combination of the method of estimating the angular parameters of spatial signals with high resolution and the direction finding method using maximum likelihood estimate. The report describes the algorithm for signal processing in the antenna array with a ring configuration. The algorithm is developed based on the ESPRIT (Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques) method. This quite computationally complex algorithm can be used for 2-dimensional estimation of the bearings on radiation sources located at any azimuth at different angles of the place. The ESPRIT method provides high-resolution estimation of angular parameters in conditions of a signal-to-noise ratio at least 10 dB. This report presents data on the accuracy of the bearing estimation obtained by computer modeling under the imitation of influence of radiation from 6 emitters. All signals are incoherent and spatially narrow-band. The accuracy of the proposed suboptimal method exceeds the accuracy of the conventional maximum likelihood estimate, synthesized under the condition of the action of a single radiation source against the background of white noise and not intended for joint evaluation.
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