V.S. Ivlev1, V.S. Ivlev2
1,2 JSC «Taganrog Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Russia)
One of the ways of radio interference of radars and homing systems is the formation of false targets and traps. A false target is a device that simulates the scattering properties of real objects subject to anti-radar masking. They create the same marks on the screen of the radio intelligence receiver as the real target, and serve to disguise them, divert them by azimuth, angle of location and range, counteracting the detection and target designation RES. As a rule, radar reflectors with increased scattering properties and motion parameters similar to the simulated object are used as false targets (corner and lens reflectors, both single and as part of groups).
False targets designed to disrupt the automatic tracking of the target and the homing head of missiles are called traps. False targets and radar traps can function both due to passive reflectors and active repeaters. For these purposes, an active repeater based on a Van–Atta lattice can be used. To assess the radar visibility of objects, there is a concept of the effective scattering area, also called the effective scattering surface (ESA), the effective cross-section or cross-section of the scattering. In foreign literature, the abbreviation EPA effective reflection surface is often found.
In an active re-reflection device based on an antenna array (AR), the formation of an IPR exceeding the protected object's own EPR is provided by power amplifiers installed in the AR channels. At the same time, the maximum EPR that the device is able to form is possible under the condition of a linear mode of operation of power amplifiers. In its main application, the re-reflection device works with moving signal sources, so a signal may be formed at the output of the receiving AP that violates the linear operation mode.
As the main result of the study, calculations of the main parameters of re-reflection devices of various configurations, graphs of the dependencies of EPR on the gain of power amplifiers and Rmin on the output power of amplifiers are presented. And the relationship between the EPR, which is formed by the device and the distance between the device and the signal source, is also established.
Ivlev V.S., Ivlev V.S. Calculation of the main parameters of the device for re-reflecting signals of the centimeter wave range. Radioengineering. 2022. V. 86. № 11. P. 63−68. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202211-10 (in Russian)
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