S.P. Barinov1, Y.I. Maevskii2, A.A. Morozov3
1,3 JSC «Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute» (Zhukov of Kaluga Region, Russia)
2 JSC KRET (Moscow, Russia)
Distinctive features of the present stage of radar systems (RS) development are essential expansion of their capabilities for detection of the threats due to the network structure principle and to complicate RS environment resulted from active jammers operation. One of the most important functions of RS is detection of threats (jammers) in environment of active noise generated by other sources against beam pattern side lobes of receiving components. Therein, there are two main algorithms of the networked RS operation: A1 algorithm - intercomponent optimal coherent correlation processing of signals and interference; A2 algorithm - independent operation of receiving components followed by combining of results of decisions on target presence/absence by each component.
The purpose of the article is comparative evaluation of networked RS detection characteristics under different algorithms of operation against jammers generating wideband and narrowband interference against main and side lobes of system receiving components.
We carried out the following for this purpose: analysis of features and determination of generic algorithms of RS operation when being exposed on main and side lobes of system receiving components; evaluation of characteristics of networked RS capability of detection when operate against group target (wideband and narrowband jammers) under generic system operation algorithms.
As a quality factor of RS performance in interference environment we choose a probability of target undetection for both reflected signal and jamming signal. We used a mathematical simulation approach for calculation and found that the system with coherent correlation processing of signals and interference (A1 algorithm) has a higher operational conflict stability compared to the system with independent receiving components (A2 algorithm); herewith, the profit of target probability of undetection is 20…50% when vary the number of jammers against main lobe receiving components from 1 to 7. It was demonstrated, that A1 and A2 algorithms in environment of wideband interference with narrowband component of target undetection probability dependence on ratio of total spectral density of interference generated against main lobe of receiving component to total spectral density of interference generated against side lobes of receiving component have the clear-cut extremums. Extremums existence is an objective foundation for implementation of control of power of noise jamming generated against main lobe of beam pattern of receiving components, when maximum probability of target undetection for both reflected signal and jamming signal is provided at every specific time.
Barinov S.P., Maevskii Y.I., Morozov A.A. Analysis of characteristics of networked radar system detection under different algorithms in active interference environment. Radioengineering. 2022. V. 86. № 11. P. 14−20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202211-03 (in Russian)
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