Yu.N. Gorbunov1
1 JSC “Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
Formulation of the problem. In modern radar complexes, phased antenna arrays (PAR) with space-time (SP) signal processing are widely used, in which the received signal (field) is discretized in time, amplitude and space, the corresponding placement of the PAR elements over the aperture of the receiving antenna, and signals with outputs of individual receiving elements are discretized in time and level. The frequency and direction selective properties of the phased array are determined by the distribution of the electromagnetic field strength in its aperture, the methods of quantization of space and time, as well as errors, which include quantization noise, side lobes, interference channels of side reception, stroboscopic effects, threshold effects of little bit processing (zones insensitivity, amplitude limitations, etc.). These effects generally reduce the directional and selective properties of the phased array: they reduce the coefficients of directional action, gain, improvement, noise suppression, and other indicators of the efficiency of signal processing, so the development of methods to eliminate these effects is relevant.
Target. Consider the implementation of digital filters (DF) and phased array with PV-processing of signals, when, along with the main task of finding algorithms that are optimal from the point of view of one or another criterion, it is necessary to solve the problems of converting signals from analog to digital form and develop methods for reducing the resulting errors at the output digital filter (DF), reducing the side lobes of the corresponding frequency characteristics and, accordingly, increasing their selective (directional properties).
Results. Taking into account the peculiarities of placement on a mobile object (MO), the problem of measuring the bearing of sources of electromagnetic radiation in the conditions of limited hardware and computing resources of the MO is solved. The technical design of the direction finder with “rough” statistics (GS) in amplitude and bearing is substantiated. In theoretical terms, a relationship has been established between the directional and selective properties of the phased array, digital filter and methods for linearizing the GS signals obtained using a stochastic ADC of amplitude and bearing. By the method of multiplexing in the direction finder, a 3-channel monopulse direction finder with binary-sign signal quantization in amplitude was built, the channels of which are randomly (in conjunction) connected to broadband receiving sensors (antenna elements) placed at the nodes of a hexagonal grid with a step of 0.7λ, formed by programmable bases of large sizes (from 0.7λ to 7λ, where λ is the wavelength).
Practical significance. A new approach to the construction of a passive phased array with a tunable adaptive surface-distributed aperture and a 3-channel monopulse direction finder invariant to MO evolutions is proposed, which consists in using random quantization scales that randomize (chaotize) the process of spatial and aperture accumulation (summation).
Gorbunov Yu.N. Rough statistics in radar: bearing measurement. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 10. P. 79−94.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202210-10 (In Russian)
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