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Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Influence of width of a spectrum of the probing signal on resolution on an azimuth in radars from the antenna synthesized by an aperture
Type of article:
scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202210-07
UDC: 621.396.96: 621.391.26
K.V. Tatarenkov1, V.V. Osokin2
1,2 JSC “Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
In article the question of increase in resolution on the traveling range of radars from the antenna synthesized by an aperture at increase in width of a spectrum of the probing signal is considered.
Pages: 64-67
For citation
Tatarenkov K.V., Osokin V.V. Influence of width of a spectrum of the probing signal on resolution on an azimuth in radars from the antenna synthesized by an aperture. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 10. P. 64−67. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202210-07 (In Russian)
- Kondratenkov G.S., Potehin V.A., Reutov A.P., Feoktistov Ju.A. Radiolokacionnye stancii obzora Zemli. Pod red. G.S. Kondratenkova. M.: Radio i svjaz'. 1983. 272 s. (In Russian).
Date of receipt: 22.08.2022
Approved after review: 25.08.2022
Accepted for publication: 19.09.2022