A.V. Malinka1, V.A. Hodunov2, T.A. Chalkina3
1-3 JSC “Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
Statement of the problem. Article is devoted to relevance, need and features of use of the active implemented phased array (AIPA) for a solution of tasks for the benefit of radio-electronic war (REW).
The main requirements to AIPA for application as a part of the REW onboard stations of individual protection providing suppression of radio-electronic means (REM) of the opponent in the range of 4 - 18 GHz are called and considered.
The developed active implemented phased array of radio-electronic suppression from structure of an aviation system of a complex of radio-electronic counteraction is presented.
Purpose. Develop the active implemented phased array of a complex of radio-electronic counteraction (AIPA REC) intended for formation and the radiation of active noises for suppression of RES of the opponent.
Results. On the basis of methods of electrodynamic modeling, computing methods of technical electrodynamics, methods of natural experimental measurements of characteristics of single radiators and methods of computer data handling of natural experimental measurements – AIPA forming the operated radiation of active noises for suppression of REM of the opponent is developed and presented.
The practical importance consists in development of structure of the transferring REW equipment AIPA taking into account requirements to the high-integrated electronic components with use of the modular principle of construction with the greatest possible reduction of the nomenclature of the developed electronic and component base (ECB).
Malinka A.V., Hodunov V.A., Chalkina T.A. Application of AIPA in the REW equipment. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 10. P. 23−30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202210-03 (In Russian)
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