P.A. Sozinov1, G.I. Andreev2, V.A. Tikhomirov3, M.E. Zamarin4
1 “Almaz-Antey” Corp. (Moscow, Russia)
2,4 JSC “Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
3 JSC R&D Production Facility “Development of Innovative Technologies” (Tver, Russia)
Since early 80-s lack of electronic warfare equipment capable to counteract radar fire control systems with monopulse measuring of angular coordinates has begun to appear. In fact, effectiveness of traditional jamming principles to provide range and velocity selection loss is low. Furthermore, jamming source, right on the contrary, can at times cause a better guidance accuracy comparing to an object without electronic warfare equipment. From system point of view, it is not always possible and reasonable to apply defensive electronic countermeasures for a group of objects.
The purpose of this paper consists in suggesting an approach to provide effective low-cost development of aircraft electronic warfare complexes with enhanced reliability, additional options and reduced mass and outer dimensions capable to effectively counteract anti-aircraft guided weapon.
As a result, approach to developing of aircraft electronic warfare complexes is elaborated. It is based on integration, unification, baseness, modularity, technological effectiveness, network-centric devices that allows to enhance developing effectiveness.
Cross-polarization and coherent jamming are promising methods that can be suggested to counteract direction-finders of radar fire control systems. However, when applied as defensive electronic countermeasures to a single low-sized aircraft, they require to steer a phase front of a jam and need a base so that they can be hardly put into practice for a high-speed aircraft. The only way to fulfill the concept is to apply the most modern mathematical and digital methods along with extensive experimental study.
Development of a real-time wideband coherent digital receiver/transmitter operating in complex electromagnetic environment allows to provide defensive electronic countermeasures to modern and long-term radar fire control systems.
Putting into practice of electronic warfare digital methods of signal processing along with spatial-distributed defensive electronic countermeasures allows to protect almost any aircraft.
The approach suggested in this paper can be used in developing of electronic countermeasures equipment for aircraft of fifth generation featuring multitask, low recognizability, low size, optimal effectiveness-to-cost ratio and consequently providing integration of on-board electronic devices.
Sozinov P.A., Andreev G.I., Tikhomirov V.A., Zamarin M.E. A concept of on-board electronic warfare complex evolution in scientific and technical field. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 10. P. 5−16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202210-01 (In Russian)
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