A.S. Podstrigaev1, A.V. Smolyakov2, V.P. Likhachev3
1,2 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
3 Russian Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center «Air Force Academy «Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Major Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh, Russia)
All approaches to the construction of wideband analyzers are based on six main types of receivers: scanner, multichannel receiver, matrix receiver, receiver with a bank of frequency-dependent delay lines (instantaneous frequency measurement receiver), monobit receiver, and sub-Nyquist (undersampling) receiver. However, it is known that receivers of only two types ensure processing of the most significant number of overlapped pulses: a matrix receiver and a sub-Nyquist receiver. The former allows processing up to 2…3 overlapped pulses, while the latter – up to 3…5 ones.
In practice, still, the number of overlaps depends on the complexity of a signal environment. Besides, from the point of view of the wideband analyzer, random factors determine this environment. Therefore, to select the receiver type suitable for the developed analyzer, a quantitative indicator of the signal environment complexity is required. In this paper, the probability of overlap not less than M pulses is proposed as such an indicator. The expressions obtained for calculating this probability allowed to plot the probability of overlapping in time of M and more pulses against the number of radio emission sources N at different duty-off factors S of the pulse sequences emitted the sources. To ease the attribution of obtained probabilities to actual operating conditions of the wideband analyzer, the paper provides the numbers of radars of various purposes which could have formed a signal environment with given complexity. The paper also gives recommendations on selecting an optimal receiver for the developed wideband analyzer considering implementation complexity and the desired ratio of successfully processed overlapped pulses under predicted analyzer’s operational conditions characterized by types and numbers of radio emission sources. Thus, when the signal environment’s complexity is low, a receiver of almost any type is suitable, while in the environment of average complexity, the use of a matrix receiver is advised. Finally, when the environment complexity is high, a sub-Nyquist receiver is the best option.
To summarize, the presented results make it possible to select a receiver for wideband analysis depending on the potential complexity of the signal environment.
Podstrigaev A.S., Smolyakov A.V., Likhachev V.P. Selecting a radio receiver for wideband analysis of the signal environment based on an assessment of its complexity. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 1. P. 143−153. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202201-19 (In Russian)
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