M.L. Artemov1, M.P. Slichenko2, S.P. Trushin3
1−3 JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez, Russia)
3 Voronezh State University (Voronezh, Russia)
To are modern to radio monitoring means high demands regarding characteristics of discrimination of sources of radio-frequency radiation on space and definition of time-and-frequency parametres of radiosignals are made. On parametres of efficiency of functioning of direction finders essential agency render structure and directional characteristics of antenna elements which in actual practice contain a fluctuation component caused by various destabilising factors. The statistical approach which is based on methods of the statistical theory of antennas is widely applied to the description of such fluctuations and the analysis of their agency on characteristics of antenna systems. Generally, such approach allows to abstract from the concrete reasons and mechanisms of origination of fluctuations and to pass a quantitative estimation of their agency on results of the solution of various radio engineering problems.
Important and actual problem is the estimation of potential accuracy of direction finding - the bottom boundary line of an inequality of Kramer-Rao in the presence of fluctuations of characteristics of antennas of a direction finder. In especial extent such problem is actual for direction finders of the hyperfrequency range which members in view of specificity of technical aspects of implementation of antenno-feeding sections are subject to fluctuations of their electric properties.
In paper expression for the bottom boundary line of an inequality of Kramer-Rao is gained at peak direction finding by a multichannel direction finder with antenna system of any structure in the presence of fluctuations of diagrammes of directivity of antennas. Results of calculations under the gained formulas will be coordinated with results of statistical modelling. Expression for the bottom boundary line of an inequality of Kramer-Rao allows to define type and number of antenna elements in antenna system direction finder, providing demanded parametres of efficiency of peak direction finding in the presence of fluctuations of diagrammes of directivity of antennas. Results of work can be used at technical designing of radio reception sections of peak direction finders of a hyperfrequency range for the purpose of a quantitative estimation of agency on efficiency of direction finding of various destabilising factors, including such, as instability of a food of elements, changes of electric parametres of stream-linings of antennas, inaccuracy of manufacturing and inhomogeneity of a material of antennas, various mechanical and climatic factors.
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