I.N. Kryukov, N.V. Onufriev, V.Yu. Rusakov
Statement of the problem. The choice of options for constructing a promising rapidly deployable means of detecting intruders (RDMDI) is based on an assessment of its technical and economic efficiency and is implemented with a wide variety and high dynamics of changes in conditions and tasks of use. When developing a construction concept, a significant number of planned characteristics remain poorly formalized, and their assessment is largely impossible for new technical solutions. In addition, the level of technical novelty and complexity of the future product is not taken into account, which is often the reason for the significant deviation of the final tactical, technical or economic characteristics from the expected result.
Goal. Explore and show the possibility of a comparative assessment of promising options for constructing RDMDI at the initial stage of research and justification of product development.
Results. A mathematical apparatus for evaluating the effectiveness of RDMDI at the stage of conceptual design. It is shown that the presented apparatus makes it possible to evaluate the quality and technological level of promising options for constructing BRSO intruders in the absence of the results of their full-scale or computer simulation. For the first time, an assessment of the functional novelty and complexity of options for constructing BRSO offenders, presented in the form of constructive-functional structures, is proposed.
Practical significance. The use of the developed apparatus at the conceptual design stage allows in the future to increase the technical and economic efficiency of the created RDMDI.
Kryukov I.N., Onufriev N.V., Rusakov V.Yu. Evaluation of the effectiveness rapidly deployable means of detecting intruders at the conceptual design stage. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 1. P. 35−40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202201-06 (In Russian)
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