A.V. Ivanov1, V.I. Nikolaev2, Yu.G. Pasternak3, V.A. Pendyurin4
1,3 Air Force Academy named alter professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh, Russia)
2,3 JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronezh, Russia)
3 Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)
3,4 JSC «Automated Communication Systems» (Voronezh, Russia)
The antenna devices of the stationary radio communication centers of the old park no longer fully meet modern requirements. This applies to the extensive structure of receiving radio centers with expensive and bulky antenna fields. Maintaining such facilities in working condition, reconstruction and modernization is a very expensive and time-consuming task.
Thus, the search for new technical solutions in the development of technologically technologically small antennas (EMA), characterized by reduced overall dimensions and cost, the use of which will increase the reliability of the radio reception centers of decameter (DCMW), meter (MW) waves, due to the hidden underground placement of antennas, is an urgent scientific and technical task. A compact, technological design of the patch antenna type (PA) with a metamaterial substrate (MMS) is proposed as a buried antenna of the MV range. By choosing this type and parameters of the antenna device, the main goal was achieved: to provide a minimal size of the antenna device, the possibility of performing the assembly of the finished product in a full technological cycle in indoor conditions (factory conditions), at the same time, there was an understanding that this design is an electrically small antenna (ESA) for the MV range. Therefore, this antenna has a high Q-factor therefore, it will be narrow-band.
The problem is solved by introducing an MMS patch antenna into the structure, implemented on 4 resonators, each of which is a "fungus" with a flat square-shaped cap, the center of which is shorted to the underlying surface of the antenna by a copper wire. The use of an MMS located between the strip and the underlying surface made it possible to reduce the size of the side of the strip to m, which makes it possible to reduce the overall dimensions of the antenna device, reduce the cost of its design and increase the strength of the structure. The effective refractive index of the metamaterial structure was about 3, which corresponds to the use of a substrate with a permittivity of 9.
The numerical experiment of the patch antenna model with MMS confirmed the possibility of ensuring good alignment with a load of 50 ohms, allowed us to expect a gain of about 6 dB from the current antenna sample and a radiation pattern width of at least 90 degrees.
The results of a full-scale experiment in the laboratory and field tests on the current model of the patch antenna made it possible to verify the adequacy of the developed model of the antenna device and its operability.
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