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Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Dependence of the arithmetic mean deviation on frequency and on direction of the signal arrival with placement of the three-element antenna array on the unmanned vehicle
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202106-08
UDC: 621.396.67

A.S. Samodurov, D.A. Yampolskiy, A.V. Ivanov, A.A. Kuzyomkin, К.А. Razinkin

Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)


Formulation of the problem. The design of direction finding antenna arrays will be correct and objective only when the object on which the antenna arrays will be located is included in the mathematical model of the antenna complex itself. 

Purpose. The influence of the structure of an unmanned aerial vehicle on the direction finding indicators of a three-element annular array installed on it is considered. 

Results. The comparison of the arithmetic mean deviation of the direction finding errors of the radio emission source for the antenna in two cases: the first - the antenna is located outside the UAV, the second - the errors obtained with the antenna, which is installed on the UAV. The arithmetic mean errors were found by the phase correlation method. 

Practical significance. The obtained results of calculating the arithmetic mean deviation are one of the key and useful for the further design of direction finding antenna arrays for UAVs.

Pages: 47-51
For citation

Samodurov A.S., Yampolskiy D.A., Ivanov A.V., Kuzyomkin A.A., Razinkin К.А. Dependence of the arithmetic mean deviation on frequency and on direction of the signal arrival with placement of the three-element antenna array on the unmanned vehicle. Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 6. P. 47−51. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202106-08 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 23.04.2021
Approved after review: 11.05.2021
Accepted for publication: 28.05.2021