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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Technology and methodical apparatus for the synthesis of radio electronic equipment of a ship complex with unmanned aircraft
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202105-13
UDC: 621.37:623.74

S.A. Mоchalov 

Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Armaments of the Navy Military Training Research Center Navy  "Naval Academy" (St. Petersburg, Russia)


The article is devoted to the consideration of the main provisions of the technology and methodological apparatus for the synthesis of radio electronic equipment of a ship complex with unmanned aircraft.. The features of the new research task, which are due to the features of the ship complex with unmanned aircraft, are listed. These include the presence of two electronic subsystems: an onboard and a shipborne one, the presence of several unmanned aircraft in the composition of the ship complex, controlled from one ship's control panel, the presence of the potential for controlling the unmanned aircraft system from the master  aircraft system without the participation of the launcher. The features of the complex with unmanned aircraft lead to the emergence of new optimization problems: the technical appearance of the launcher, the distribution of the functions performed by the elements of the radio electronic equipment of the unmanned aircraft and control panel, the number of unmanned aircraft in the system operating under the control of one launcher, the technical appearance and distribution of the functions performed by the radio electronic equipment of the master and slave unmanned aircraft. The mathematical formulation of the problem of synthesis of ship complex with unmanned aircraft is formulated. The main provisions of the proposed technology are considered. This is the decomposition of the system, the use of probabilistic performance indicators, the limitation of the number of variables varied by structural and technical parameters and, accordingly, the reduction in the number of generated and evaluated alternatives, the use of analytical modeling methods, various kinds of reasonable approximations, simplifications and assumptions. It is shown how the technology takes into account the features of a new research task. The article proposes a methodological apparatus that allows for a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of autonomous and non-autonomous variants of constructing a complex with unmanned aircraft., which is extremely important in synthesizing the technical appearance of the radio electronic equipment complex and optimizing the level of autonomy of the complex with unmanned aircraft. An example is given of a comparative assessment of the effectiveness and the choice of the preferred option among the autonomous and non-autonomous ship complex with unmanned aircraft. The directions of further development of the proposed methodological apparatus have been formed. The results obtained can be used both in the formation of requirements for the radio electronic equipment of the complex with unmanned aircraft at the conceptual and visual stages of the formation of the complex, and in the direct design of the radio electronic equipment and the complex with unmanned aircraft as a whole.

Pages: 142-153
For citation

Mоchalov S.A. Technology and methodical apparatus for the synthesis of Radio electronic equipment of a ship complex with unmanned aircraft. Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 5. P. 142−153. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202105-13 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 16.03.2021
Approved after review: 25.03.2021
Accepted for publication: 22.04.2021