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Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
First radiophoton phased antenna array
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202104-17
UDC: 621.396.67:621.378.8 621.396.624:621.3.049

D.F. Zaitsev1, V.M. Andreev2, I.A. Bilenko3, A.A. Berezovsky4, P.Yu. Vladislavsky5,  Yu.B. Gurfinkel6, L.I. Tsvetkova7, V.S. Kalinovsky8, N.M. Kondratyev9, V.N. Kosolobov10,  V.F. Kurochkin11, S.O. Slipchenko12, N.V. Smirnov13, B.V. Yakovlev 14

1,4−7,10,11,13,14 JSC Radio Engineering Corporation Vega, Laboratory "Radiophoton systems" (Moscow, Russia)

2,8,12 FTI RAS named after A.F. Ioffe (Moscow, Russia)

3,9 MKTST (Москва, Россия)


The article describes the results of research on a demonstration model of the world's first radio-photon phased array, which has a unique set of characteristics – non-volatility, broadband, low profile, conformality, distribution, high resolution, a large range of scanning angles and high speed, and also has a complete galvanic isolation between the antenna array and the main equipment. The ROFAR layout, with an antenna array consisting of 8 transmitting and 8 receiving emitters with a profile height of λ / 20, operates in the UHF frequency range, including the P-band (instantaneous band of the order of 400 MHz) and has a range resolution of 1.5 to 7 cm, an angle resolution of the order of less than 2o, a range of scanning angles in azimuth ± 60o, and a beam switching time of less than 50 ns. The total pulse power of the ROFAR is 84 W, the efficiency of the PPM with fully radiophoton transmission paths, in which there are no powerful electronic or optical amplifiers, is ~ 25%.

Antenna array is completely non-volatile, i.e., its power as a powerful transmitting paths and receiving paths is carried out only via an optical fiber (optical cable), on the antenna lattice any electronic or radiophonic devices require electrical energy.

This ensures its complete galvanic isolation from the main radiophotonic and electronic equipment and high protection from electromagnetic influences of almost any intensity and duration.

Almost all the key radiophotonic components of ROFAR provide unique characteristics of domestic development and manufacture.

Pages: 153-164
For citation

Zaitsev D.F., Andreev V.M., Bilenko I.A., Berezovsky A.A., Vladislavsky P.Yu., Yu.B. Gurfinkel, Tsvetkova L.I., Kalinovsky V.S., Kondratyev N.M., Kosolobov V.N., Kurochkin V.F., Slipchenko S.O., Smirnov N.V., Yakovlev B.V. First radiophoton phased antenna array.  Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 4. P. 153−164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202104-17 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 24.02.2021
Approved after review: 12.03.2021
Accepted for publication: 26.03.2021