A.A. Kopylov¹, I.V. Zimin²
1 PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow, Russia)
1,2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (Moscow, Russia)
One of the promising methods for solving the classification problem of objects of observation (OO) moving along the trajectory is based on the use of the polarization characteristics of OO. Polarization characteristics as is known, allow us to obtain more detailed information about the shape and size of OO. In this case, the polarization scattering matrices (PSM) are considered as the polarization characteristics, which are used to calculate various groups of polarization parameters.
However, the generated for an OO, moving along a trajectory, PSP realizations carry not only information about the shape and size of the OO. The values of the PSM are influenced by many uninformative factors, including the spatial orientation of the OO. Considering of the influence of spatial orientation on the measurement of PSP in the future will allow us to develop more effective algorithms for the classification of OO.
One of the methods to consider the spatial orientation of objects for solving the classification problem is presented in this article. The essence of the method is to adapt the base of standards of the main classes of OO to the angles of spatial orientation.
The mathematical model of the adaptation of OO standards to spatial orientation was developed. At the same time, the need to develop this model led to the need to develop and study a mathematical model for determining the parameters of the spatial orientation of an OO moving along a trajectory. This model was also developed.
The results of the simulation of the functioning of the developed models are presented. Results show that to obtain estimates of the spatial orientation parameters with sufficient accuracy, it is necessary to optimally select the geometric parameters of the radar system. At the same time, the standards adapted to the calculated parameters of spatial orientation have non-overlapping localization areas, in contrast to unadapted standards. This fact indicates the possibility of using the proposed method to improve the efficiency of OO classification.
Kopylov A.A., Zimin I.V. Study of the effectiveness of consideration of spatial orientation of objects of observation to solve the classification problem by polarization attributes. Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 4. P. 7−14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202104-02 (In Russian)
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