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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Quasi-optimal on polygaussian algorithms for receiving discrete signals
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202103-15
UDC: 621.396.96

V.M. Artyushenko¹, V.I. Volovach²

1 Public Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of Moscow Region «Technological University»  (Korolev, Russia)

2 Federal Public Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Volga Region State University of Service» (Toglyatti, Russia)


Analysis of use of quasi-optimal Polygaussian algorithms at reception of discrete signals and simultaneous influence of own noise of receiver and chaotic impulse noises (IN) was carried out. It is noted that Polygaussian algorithms are reduced to multi-channel nonlinear inertial transformations of the output voltage of the video detector. The use of Polygaussian algorithms increases the noise immunity of systems. With relatively powerful chaotic INs with arbitrary, not necessarily equal durations, a quasi-optimal algorithm is used to replace complex hypotheses about superimposing chaotic INs with simple hypotheses about superimposing chaotic INs at the point of maximum likelihood. It has been shown that when synthesizing the structure of a quasi-optimal scheme, it is advisable to consider only two hypotheses: about the imposition of chaotic IN and their absence. What is described is noise immunity of quasioptimal multi-count algorithms when fighting chaotic IP against noise background. Operation of quasi-optical receiver of gated pulse signal against background of noise and IN is investigated and analyzed. The task of synthesis of a quasi-optimal receiver for the case when it is necessary to optimize dynamic properties of a pre-detector path is considered. Polygaussian algorithms, unlike classical Bayesian hypotheses, allow you to switch to orthogonal models of input oscillations and adaptation according to the parameters of the most plausible hypothesis. Qualitative indicators of detection of signals for both single-threshold and three-threshold solving schemes were obtained using mathematical modeling of thresholds. The gain dependencies providing a three-threshold decisive scheme compared to a single-threshold scheme are obtained. It is noted that when simultaneously exposed to a complex of noise containing noises and chaotic INs, the receiver bandwidth should either be calculated using mathematical modeling or selected experimentally. Conditions are defined when the pre-detector path approaches the non-detector link by properties, as well as conditions for turning this path into a matched filter. It is noted that simpler, more technically convenient and quite efficient algorithms are possible with a priori strict limitation of the set of analyzed hypotheses. Algorithms with an intermediate degree of simplification are also used.

Pages: 148-159
For citation

Single-path decider, digital signal receiver, three-way decider, the probability density function, quasi-optimal algorithms Polygaussian, auxiliary probability density function, gated receiver

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Date of receipt: 09.02.2021
Approved after review: 17.02.2021
Accepted for publication: 19.02.2021