V.А. Ivanov, V.V. Maksimov, K.D. Galev
Statement of the problem. To reduce the cost of accumulating a training sample, it is advisable to use a signal synthesis model with properties similar to the general population, but at the same time differing in numerical indicators of features in the time and frequency domain. The use of neural network models of signal synthesis will ensure the representativeness of the new general population and provide conditions for improving the quality of functioning of the technical means when environmental conditions change. Goal. Creating prerequisites for improving the accuracy of the obtained estimates of property parameters from signal sources of various physical principles of operation (electrodynamics, magnetometric and fiber-optic sensing elements for interferometers and reflectometers).
Results. The solution of the problem of signal synthesis (modeling) is obtained, which allows for an in-depth study of the latent noninterpreted feature space formed by the neural network of the "auto-encoder" type based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The research will make it possible to create promising mobile and stationary technical means used in the protection of state and other objects of any form of ownership.
Practical significance. The resulting mathematical model can be used at the design stage of advanced security equipment.
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