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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Calculation of the parameters of macrobending optical output from optical fibers
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202102-03
UDC: 621.373.826:315.61004.056.53

I.V. Denisov, V.A. Sedov, N.A. Sedova, N.V. Lisovsky, A.V. Kiper


In the study of the scientific and technical literature on mechanisms and mindsets of optical radiation loss in optical fiber (OF) it becomes clear that there is an understanding about possibility of creating the leakage information channels from them by attackers. This fact is contrary to the generally accepted opinion about safety concept of data transmission in fiber-optical communication lines (FOCL). It is due to the fact of presence of the information leakage channel provides for unauthorized access (UA) to the FOCL. One of the simplest methods to remove the optical radiation power from FOCL can be done by macrobending of its fiber. At the same time, the quantitative criteria of the diverted power parameters, OF and its bending elements are implicitly and incompletely illuminated in the literature. The objective. To describe the procedure of calculating mathematical model for evaluating of the optical radiation extraction performance from FOCL due to fiber macrobending to determine the curvature radius, macrobending materials and threshold powers of the optical radiation. The mathematical model allowing to form the criteria of qualitative and quantitative assessment of FOCL was obtained, its location and also estimated lossess incurred during the leakage; calculate the dependence of the output power from FOCL on the fiber macrobendings and the location of the photodetector; to determine elastic materials for effective bending; access the extent threat level of optical radiation lossess at macrobending of OF. Expressions and graphs of the output optical power from curvature radius and macrobending angles of the OF were obtained. After reading this paper, it becomes clear the optimal configuration and location of the potential tamper device. Also, results of the paper can help: assess estimated losses incurred during the leak; calculated the dependence of the output power from FOCL on the fiber macrobending angles and the location of the photodetector; determined of elastic materials for effective bending; assess the threat level of optical radiation losses at macrobending of OF.

Pages: 18-26
For citation

Denisov I.V., Sedov V.A., Sedova N.A., Lisovsky N.V., Kiper A.V.  Calculation of the parameters of macrobending optical output from optical fibers. Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 2. P. 18−26. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202102-03  (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 01.12.2020
Approved after review: 20.12.2020
Accepted for publication: 12.01.2021