S.V. Kharalgin
JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)
Problem statement. In broadband communication technology, noise immunity can be provided, among other things [1], by methods of spaced reception, in which antennas with polarization separation are used [2], which are also used in polarimetric radar systems [3]. Thus, it is significant to conduct research aimed at determining the cross-polarization characteristics of various types of antennas with the selection of the most suitable for the criterion of noise immunity.
Goal. Comparative analysis of selective polarization properties of ultra-wideband antennas in the X-Ku wavelength range.
Results. A comparative analysis of ultra-wideband antennas according to the criterion of selective spatial polarization properties is carried out. As a result of the performed studies, it is presented that the crest and crest horn antennas have the best crosspolarization characteristics. For such antennas, the average value of the crosspolarization ratio in the operating frequency range and within the width of the radiation pattern was: -60 dB for the crest and -50 dB for the crest horn antennas.
Practical significance. Based on the analysis of the polarization characteristics of antennas, it is possible to implement modern radioelectronic systems with increased mechanical resistance.
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