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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
A method to protect high-speed objects at low altitude
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202112-06
UDC: 621.371.332.3

D.V. Bokhovkin1, Yu. Yu. Korobkov2, A.Yu. Mushkov3, O.A. Yangovatova4

1−4 JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)


The problem consisting in protection of low altitude objects from means of interception should be treated as a complex one and can hardly be solved using only one general-purpose method. “Antipode” jamming can be a possible solution in the considered case in spite of high expenditure of energy it requires. To minimize expenditure of energy new protection methods must be investigated. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a method based on “antipode” jamming for protection of high-speed objects at low altitude. As a result, to protect high-speed objects at low altitude a principle of jamming blanketing to monopulse direction-finders of antiaircraft interceptors is considered. “Antipode” jamming with a fixed inclination angle of a beam is investigated (a fixed system). Method of high-speed objects protection based on “antipode” jamming with automatic adjustment of a beam inclination angle is suggested (adaptive system). Results of jamming power calculations for typical characteristics of interceptors are given and advantages of adaptive system for jamming blanketing are shown.

A method suggested in this paper allows to provide protection of low altitude objects and to reduce expenditure of energy for jamming blanketing.

For jamming redirecting towards underlying surface there are some methods of attenuation which can be possibly used in interceptor’s pointing systems. Evidently effectiveness of such methods is the better the more is difference between angle directions to highspeed object and to jamming, i.e. when high-speed object altitude is higher. This means that effective “antipode” jamming is provided when high-speed object moves at a possibly low altitude to meet a required energy balance between jamming and reflected signal. Thus, the lowest altitude of a high-speed object (except lay of land) is determined by a required transmitted power of a jamming system in which system with automatic adjustment of a beam inclination angle has advantage over system with a fixed inclination angle of a beam.

Design of protection equipment with its algorithms which can provide a simultaneous finding and jamming of several interceptors that are operating at different frequencies is left for further investigations.

The problem consisting in protection of low altitude objects from means of interception should be treated as a complex one and can hardly be solved using only one general-purpose method. “Antipode” jamming can be a possible solution in the considered case in spite of high expenditure of energy it requires. To minimize expenditure of energy new protection methods must be investigated. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a method based on “antipode” jamming for protection of high-speed objects at low altitude. As a result, to protect high-speed objects at low altitude a principle of jamming blanketing to monopulse direction-finders of antiaircraft interceptors is considered. “Antipode” jamming with a fixed inclination angle of a beam is investigated (a fixed system). Method of high-speed objects protection based on “antipode” jamming with automatic adjustment of a beam inclination angle is suggested (adaptive system). Results of jamming power calculations for typical characteristics of interceptors are given and advantages of adaptive system for jamming blanketing are shown.

A method suggested in this paper allows to provide protection of low altitude objects and to reduce expenditure of energy for jamming blanketing.

For jamming redirecting towards underlying surface there are some methods of attenuation which can be possibly used in interceptor’s pointing systems. Evidently effectiveness of such methods is the better the more is difference between angle directions to highspeed object and to jamming, i.e. when high-speed object altitude is higher. This means that effective “antipode” jamming is provided when high-speed object moves at a possibly low altitude to meet a required energy balance between jamming and reflected signal. Thus, the lowest altitude of a high-speed object (except lay of land) is determined by a required transmitted power of a jamming system in which system with automatic adjustment of a beam inclination angle has advantage over system with a fixed inclination angle of a beam.

Design of protection equipment with its algorithms which can provide a simultaneous finding and jamming of several interceptors that are operating at different frequencies is left for further investigations.

Pages: 78-86
For citation

Bokhovkin D.V., Korobkov Yu.Yu., Mushkov A.Yu., Yangovatova O.A. A method to protect high-speed objects at low altitude. Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 12. P. 78−86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202112-06 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 12.10.2021
Approved after review: 25.10.2021
Accepted for publication: 18.11.2021