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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
A conceptual model of radio-electronic devices information cooperation
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202112-02
UDC: 621.396.96

G.I. Andreev1, M.E. Zamarin2, P.A. Sozinov3, V.A. Tikhomirov4

1,2 JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)

3 «Almaz-Antey» Corp. (Moscow, Russia) 

4 JSC R&D Production Facility “Development of Innovative Technologies” (Tver, Russia)


The problem of electronic warfare systems effectiveness increase is nowadays multiple-aspect. In this paper only one aspect is considered when different systems are radiating at the same frequencies and partly at the same time with many re-reflections from different objects that forms a complex interference pattern at the headend of radio receivers. To find and sort radio-electronic systems correctly and to evaluate bearing angles of radiation sources in such case one has to take special measures. Thus, arises necessity to carry out special investigations concerning propositions of principal of radio-electronic systems information cooperation.

The purpose of this paper consists in structural specification of concept investigations to synthesize electronic warfare systems electromagnetic characteristics that form a basis to construct models of radio-electronic systems information communication.

As a result, a concept is suggested that form a basis to construct a model of radio-electronic systems information communication when signal intelligence systems are designed which operate in complex signal environment and use radio receivers with digital signal processing.

There are following advantages of digital signal processing over analog signal processing: parameters of processing are stable; exists a possibility of automatic adaptation to reception conditions and signal pattern; one can operate both with traditional and new modulation formats, with coded signals and signals with time-dividing and frequency-dividing channeling when mass, outer dimensions and cost are admissible; alignment time shortens; one can obtain broad band signals; parallelism with identical characteristics of channels arises; exists a possibility to monitor received frequency spectrum; rises a reliability due to mass and outer dimensions reduction as well as circuit simplification; decrease in price arises due to better manufacturability as well as small quantity and low price of components in mass production.

A suggested concept allows to elaborate effective measures to find and sort radio-electronic systems correctly and to evaluate bearing angles of radiation sources.

Pages: 31-41
For citation

Andreev G.I., Zamarin M.E., Sozinov P.A., Tikhomirov V.A. A conceptual model of radio-electronic devices information cooperation. Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 12. P. 31−41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202112-02 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 12.10.2021
Approved after review: 25.10.2021
Accepted for publication: 18.11.2021