A.I. Grevtsev¹, O.V. Smyntyna², A.Yu. Koziratsky³
1-3 MESC AF «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy»
Matrix photodetectors are increasingly used in optoelectronic systems. However, their use leads to a decrease in the detection range of radiation from the source in comparison with single-element photodetectors. This is due to a decrease in the illumination of the photodetector due to an increase in its geometric dimensions.
Purpose is analysis of changes in the detection range of radiation from a point source by a photodetector when using a matrix photodetector in comparison with a single-element photodetector.
Analytical expressions are obtained for determining the detection range of radiation from a point source using a photodetector with a single-element photodetector and with a matrix photodetector. The analysis of changes in the registration range is carried out, on the basis of which methods of solving this drawback are proposed. An example of calculation by the obtained expressions is given. The obtained analytical expressions make it possible to estimate the range of registration of radiation from a point source by a photodetector with a matrix photodetector.
Issues related to determining the possibilities of using photodetectors in various detection schemes when receiving signals with varying amplitudes are considered. The features of the influence of practical detection schemes on the value of the dynamic range of the photodetector and the potentially achievable sensitivity are determined. An approach has been developed that allows for a comparative assessment of changes in the dynamic range depending on the implemented optical receiver scheme. It is shown that in contrast to the direct detection scheme, where the value of the dynamic range is directly determined by the properties of the photodetector itself, in the case of heterodyne detection, the level of the reference oscillation plays a decisive role in determining the specified value.
Analysis of the obtained results shows that adaptive control of the reference oscillation value when switching to the heterodyne detection scheme with the preservation of the photodetector type allows not only to significantly expand the range of changes in the amplitude of the received signals and maximize the dynamic range, but also to realize a potentially achievable sensitivity, the value of which is determined by the noise properties of the photodetector itself.
Grevtsev A.I., Smyntyna O.V., Koziratsky A.Yu. Analysis of changes in the detection range of radiation by a photodetector when using a matrix photodetector. Radioengineering. 2021. V. 85. № 1. P. 81−87. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202101-11. (in Russian)
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