A.A. Lavrov − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Research Scientist,
BG-Market (Moscow)
E-mail: lavrovacad@gmail.com
A.I. Antonov − Ph.D. (Eng.), IT Head of Several Companies
E-mail: iantonov@complex-systems.biz
A.A. Kasaikin − Research Scientist,
BG-Market (Moscow)
E-mail: a9610@yandex.ru
V.G. Ovchinnikov − Senior Engineer,
JSC «Flight Research and Production Enterprise» (Moscow)
E-mail: OvchinnikovVG@yandex.ru
M.S. Ogorodnikov − Research Scientist,
BG-Optics (Moscow)
E-mail: michael_o@mail.ru
The article discusses the problem of radar detection of small-sized low-speed air targets such as “unmanned aerial vehicle (drone)”. An effective means of detecting such targets is a multi-beam radar, which combines the ability to quickly view the protected area and the possibility of long-term coherent accumulation of signals reflected from the target. To analyze the features of the technical implementation of the principle of multi-beam viewing, and to determine the effectiveness of the method of long-term coherent signal accumulation in the detection of small air targets, an experimental multi-beam radar bench has been created. In the course of the work, the tasks of choosing a rational structure and parameters of the radar, substantiating the technical requirements for functional modules and their manufacture were solved. Control algorithms, primary and secondary signal processing are developed.
Experimental studies of the characteristics of an experimental radar have been performed. Of the issues considered, the most important are checking the adequacy of the coherence and dynamic range of the receiving path provided in the equipment, analyzing the characteristics of the reflected signals during their long-term coherent accumulation, developing methods and algorithms for suppressing reflections from the ground when detecting low-speed targets.
A brief description of the equipment and parameters of the experimental multi-beam radar is given, the results of experimental studies are shown, which showed its high efficiency in the detection of small-sized low-speed objects. Steady operation at short ranges and in rain conditions is shown. The adequacy of the technical solutions adopted when creating the equipment was confirmed. The developed algorithms for primary and secondary signal processing make it possible to obtain radar characteristics close to theoretically calculated and provide suppression of reflections from local objects.
Conducted experimental studies of multipath radar showed its high efficiency in the detection of small-sized low-speed targets such as drone. The maximum detection range of drones, depending on their size, lies in the range of 5...10 km, the minimum speed of the detected target does not exceed 1 m / s. Multipath radar can be an effective tool in the complex protection of the object from air attack.
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