S.A. Mochalov − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,
Research Center (St. Petersburg) of Central Research Institute Air Force Russian Defense Ministry
The article is devoted to the consideration of the main provisions of the technology and methodological apparatus for the synthesis of container means of radio-electronic suppression of group defense of ship helicopter. The features of a new research task are listed. The influence of these features on the technology and methodological apparatus of synthesis is shown. The basic relationships are given that make it possible to calculate the efficiency and take into account the mass and size characteristics of the container means of radio-electronic suppression.
So, among the features of the research problem, the presence of known limitations of mass, energy, financial, construction of means on the basis of two containers of different frequency ranges, the possibility of interfering with different radio electronic means, and the uncertainty of requirements are highlighted.
The main provisions of the proposed technology are considered. This is the decomposition of the system, the use of probabilistic performance indicators, the limitation of the number of variables varied by structural and technical parameters and, accordingly, the reduction in the number of generated and evaluated alternatives, the use of analytical modeling methods, various kinds of reasonable approximations, simplifications and assumptions. It is shown how the technology takes into account the features of a new research task.
The article presents the basic relationships of the used methodological apparatus for the synthesis of container means of radioelectronic suppression and its structural scheme. It is shown how the restrictions on the mass-dimensional characteristics of the container means of radio-electronic suppression affect their technical characteristics, and technical ones on tactical characteristics both when suppressing radars and radio communication lines and data transmission. An expression is given that makes it possible to evaluate the integral indicator of efficiency — the probability of non-defeat of a ship or an aircraft complex, on the basis of which a decision is made on the preference of the container means of radio-electronic suppression type under the given restrictions.
The place of the proposed methodological apparatus in the synthesis procedure of the container means of radio-electronic suppression is shown.
Mochalov S.A. Technology and methodical apparatus for synthesis of container means of radio-electronic suppression of group protection of ship helicopter. Radiotekhnika. 2020. V. 84. № 8(15). P. 18−27. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486202008(16)-03 (In Russian).
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