350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Ensuring of the specified phase-frequency characteristic of the ultrabroadband signal between amplification stages and antenna complex
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202008(15)-05
UDC: 621.372.553

A.A. Titkov – Head of Laboratory,  SC «RPE «Almaz» (Saratov) 

E-mail: titkov-1973@yandex.ru

A.S. Oleynik – Dr.Sc. (Eng), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,

NIKA-Microwave, Ltd (Saratov)

Е-mail: anatoly.semenovich@gmail.com


In order to provide the target power of TWT based antenna complex, it is necessary to provide an optimal signal amplification circuit with a preamplifier at the TWT input. When summing up the n-number of amplification channels in the phased-array antenna, it is necessary to ensure that each amplification channel is identical to the phase-frequency characteristic. To develop a amplification channel providing correction of input and output phase relationship of each amplification channel. A amplification channel with specified phase- and amplitude-frequency characteristics is designed, with a possibility of phase-frequency characteristic adjustment. Amplitude-frequency uniformity of the interconnecting products was achieved by using a preamplifier with a mirror-like amplitudefrequency characteristic relative to amplitude-frequency characteristic of the TWT. The possibility of phase-frequency adjustment is achieved by using the phase-frequency characteristic regulation plate integrated into the preamplifier. "Parallel" phase-frequency characteristic shifting in the frequency band with 3-fold overlap is achieved by adjusting the width of diagonally located shorted microstrip lines between Lange bridges. Insertion loss of adjustment plate less than 1.7 dB, VSWR less than 1.8 in the operating frequency band with 3-fold overlap. The parameters of the phase-frequency characteristic regulation plate have been simulated and its topology has been obtained. Joint connecting of the developed preamplifier with TWT ensures achievement of the specified output power and phase characteristics of the complex device, which allows creating complexes of phased-array antennas.

Pages: 32-36
For citation

Titkov A.A., Oleynik A.S. Ensuring of the specified phase-frequency characteristic of the ultrabroadband signal between amplification stages and antenna complex. Radiotekhnika. 2020. V. 84. № 8(15). P. 32−.  DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202008(15)-05.

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Date of receipt: 14 мая 2020 г.