A.S. Oleynik – Dr.Sc.(Eng), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,
NIKA-Microwave, Ltd (Saratov)
Е-mail: anatoly.semenovich@gmail.com
V.S. Andreev – Bachelor,
Department «Electronic devices», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail: AndrejeffVS@yandex.ru
In this paper, we consider the development of a radiovisor that excludes the use of an optical-mechanical scanning system, with the possibility of operation in the field. A compact radiovisor has been developed, which contains a sealed case, inside of which four receivers are placed, made in standard metal-glass cases with built-in pyramidal horns. The case is connected to a PC with a COM port, where the measuring information processing program is located. The width of the resonant absorption bands of the horns is 16.5 and 16.3 GHz in the frequency ranges 100-116, 5 GHz and 206.7-223 GHz, respectively. The radiation reception area is not less than 30×30 mm2. There are 48 measuring channels with a size of 0.15×0.15 mm2. The specific detection capacity at ∆f = 10 GHz is equal to 9.5×108 W-1·Hz1/2 cm. The technical result is based on combining spatial directional diagrams of pyramidal horn antennas at the level of half the power of radiation reception, which provides an increase in the receiving area of the radiation object. Inside the waveguides of each of the antennas is a receiving platform of the receiver, on opposite sides of which there are measuring channels based on the CR-mica-VOx film structure. The film structure of Cr-mica-VOx is resistant to intense solar radiation, as well as ionizing radiation. The radiovisor is made in a flat cylindrical case with a rack for easy operation by the operator. The PC battery provides power to the interface of the radiovisor measuring system. On the PC screen, the measurement information is displayed in color and digital form.
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