G.V. Ershov − Head of Sector,
JSC «Central Radio-Research Institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail: m1cro4nn@mail.ru
K.P. Likhoedenko − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,
sub-faculty «Self-contained Informational and Controlling Systems»,
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: klikhoedenko@bmstu.ru
Yu.Yu. Korobkov − Head of Department,
JSC «Central Radio-Research Institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail: jura9891@gmail.com.
A.R. Murlaga − Leading Engineer,
JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail: myrlaga_olga@mail.ru
Summary. Finding and tracking of a high-speed object in a given spatial region using standard surveillance systems requires a rather high (ca 20 dB) signal-to-noise ratio. At the same time, one should keep in mind that both natural and artificial noise interferes with a desired signal during ground-based finding and tracking of aerial objects. To estimate influence of artificial noises on different radar stations an appropriate methodology must be elaborated.
Information processing in a radar performs in primary and secondary channels. The primary channel serves to find an object and to estimate with a required accuracy its coordinates using radar data (reflected signals). The secondary channel serves to obtain additional data (type of an object, its flying altitude etc.). As a rule, signal reflected from an object is rather faint with a strong noise influence. Therefore, the primary channel in a radar is more vulnerable to jamming.
Nowadays it is considered abroad that barrage jamming (including impulse jamming, chaotic jamming and quasi-harmonic jamming) is the most effective jamming to defend high-speed objects. Thus, reaction time of a jammer is minimized because it is no need to perform a deep analysis of a signal structure. If one can obtain a sufficient energy potential the desired suppression of radar activity will be achieved.
In his everyday work a modern researcher who designs means of electronic warfare often has to handle the following problem. For a given high-speed object a space-distributed defense system must be designed that lets it reach the given place with a required probability.
A space-distributed defense system means some means of radio-electronic countermeasures to fulfil a mission by an object with a required probability.
Such a problem can hardly have a single solution because one can find many paths for an object to reach the given place. For each path there are their own means of finding, frequently mobile and maneuverable, that define their specific requirements for a defense system of a high-speed object.
As a result, a problem of finding the optimal solution arises.
To fulfil a required mission with a given probability a set of passive means of radio-electronic countermeasures to defend a highspeed object during its passive phase of flight has been used since the mid-60s.
It has been considered till recently that because active phase of flight of a high-speed object is, as a rule, situated above the territory of the Russian Federation there is no need to defend this object during this phase of flight. However, with regard to new radars with enhanced detection range and new locations of deployment defense of a high-speed object during its active phase of flight becomes very actual.
A standard sea-based anti-missile radar is of the most interest for this consideration because it is a stationary one and its coordinates are a priori known.
A standard sea-based anti-missile radar is the main data source for a sea-based anti-missile complex. While it is a multibeam system, one has to block every beam of a finding channel simultaneously. To fulfil this concept, it is suggested to deploy a space-distributed defense system composed of parachuted active jammers.
The purpose of this paper consists in analysis of probability to deploy such a system, in estimating of suppression time and a required number of active jammers.
It is shown that time of effective suppression of a standard sea-based anti-missile radar during parachute descent is about 600 seconds. It is nearly ten times more than time of active phase of flight of a high-speed object (ca 70 seconds). A hundred parachuted active jammers can defend a high-speed object at distances from 7,5 km to 500 km.
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