T.A. Mirtalibov − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,
1st Deputy General Designer,
«Almaz-Antey» Corp. (Moscow, Russia)
N.P. Kolesnikov − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,
Deputy General Director for Space and Aviation Systems
JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: nikkolesnikov014@gmail.com
B.V. Khlopov − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Advisor to the Deputy Director General for Space and Aviation Systems
JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: hlopovu@yandex.ru
S.S. Ravinskiy − Assistant Director General for Space and Aviation Systems
JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail: ravinskiyss@mail.ru
The conceptual bases for organizing the operation of electronic monitoring devices in the context of electronic countermeasures consist of goals and objectives, taking into account the requirements for further use in a complex of measures to ensure the effective functioning of RES. The organization of the work of radio-electronic monitoring (REM) is considered from the perspective of the effectiveness and capability of radio-electronic systems (RES) used for REM, in a difficult electronic environment, in the conditions of electronic countermeasures (ECM), using the ground, air, sea and space-based capabilities combined into a unified automated managed information system. The active introduction of RES in all spheres of State activity currently actualizes the problem of information resources protection from both intentional and unintentional interference. These conditions become the main prerequisites for consideration of the conceptual bases of the organization of work in the conditions of electronic jamming. The basics of organizing the operation of electronic monitoring devices are considered taking into account economic feasibility and economic efficiency in their implementation. To obtain the most efficient operation of REM facilities in a complex electronic environment, a fragment is considered as the main conceptual direction, combining all ground, air, sea and space-based RES in a centralized automated information system. Theautomated managed information system is a complex of all information hubs and control objects, providing measures for the effective and sustainable functioning of RES in the framework of the Electronic Countermeasures (ECM). In real time in the system, information arrives at the analytical center from all ground-based, sea-based RESs, airborne vehicles, and also from spacecraft (SC). A special place in the REM system is occupied by space vehicles with two basic directions - passive and active methods of electronic monitoring. The operation of the spacecraft (SC) onboard equipment consists of receiving an informational panoramic flow of spectra of emitted signals for processing the obtained data, determining the location, operating modes, operating frequency ranges, signal parameters of the radio-frequency radiation source (RFRS).
In multichannel broadband radio receiving systems, an important role is assigned to the straight through transfer of received radio technical information about sources of radiofrequency radiation and minimizing the data transfer rate through electrical channels and electrical circuits of radio receivers until the results are obtained in takinga decision. The limited amount of initial information, the lack of a priori information about the type of parameter distributions make it impossible to use traditional methods for obtaining estimates of the reception of the panoramic information flow. So, a characteristic feature of the statistical analysis of the predictive background for complicated technical complexes is the presence of an uncertainty factor due to the limited sample size and the incompleteness of individual observations. In such cases, a statistical analysis of specific so-called censored samples is carried out. A new approach to the problem of statistical point and interval estimation based on the use of the empirical distribution function and the application of the principle of maximum uncertainty is used. The application of this approach and the analytical apparatus for constructing point estimates allows us to call this method the quantile method of extreme distribution. One of the most important numerical characteristics of a random variable is its average value (mathematical expectation). According to the law of large numbers, the empirical distribution function converges in probability to the initial theoretical distribution and this allows multiple replications of sample observations to be used for large samples in determining technical parameters. Repeated replication of sample observations to estimate parameters with a decrease in sample size generates ambiguity in the valuesof a random variable at intervals. This principle has the important property that leads to the solution of extreme problems under the constraints of the selection. In this case, the sequence of solving the problem of statistical estimation of the mathematical expectation of a parameter from a small number of observations can be represented as the region of existence of admissible extremals.
The application of this approach and the analytical apparatus for constructing point estimates makes it possible to determine the values of entropy for possible extremals of the technical characteristics of the RFRS. With the improvement of REM methods and approaches, further development of ECM facilities will take place, it must be taken into account that their saturation will increase and in this case, the vulnerability of ground, air and sea-based REM will increase, and space assets may be less vulnerable. All of this will require new approaches to conducting REM. In this case, the most optimal choice for using REM tools in an ECM environment may be a comprehensive approach to the use of ground, sea, air and space-based tools combined into an automated controlled electronic information monitoring system.
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