350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Area radio-navigation system integrated in spatially-distributed global navigation satellite systems navigation user equipment radio-jamming complex positional accuracy estimation
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202006(12)-12
UDC: 528.088:[621.396.74::527.62]

A.V. Smolin – Leading Engineer, Deputy Head of Department,

JSC SPE «PROTEK» (Voronezh, Russia)

Е-mail: protek@protek-vrn.ru


Target statement. Potential abilities of a space distributed system of specialized transmitters of signal-like interference targeted at global positioning systems allow to use it as a base for the implementation of a local area radio navigation system. A system proposal for implementation of such system was previously made. At the same time, studying the accuracy of localization of area radio navigation service users in different zones of its coverage area still remains an urgent task.   

Objective. To develop a method of localization in an area radio navigation system integrated into a space distributed jamming complex targeted at global positioning systems and to research its accuracy characteristics by simulation method. 

Results. The simulation modelling carried out with the use of the developed method showed that the area navigation system discussed allows to define planar coordinates of aircrafts virtually over the whole coverage area with high accuracy intrinsic to navigational methods (10…15 m). At the same time, the design accuracy of hight finding over the whole area of coverage maintains high airspaces with the sufficient for such target accuracy (up to 300 m).

Practical implementation. The obtained results allow to see area navigation system as an alternative or additional means of coordinate and time reference as well as a means of navigational support to aircrafts dispatching missions in the coverage area of a space distributed jamming complex targeted at global positioning systems. 

Pages: 74-81
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Date of receipt: 17 марта 2020 г.