350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Modified DRM+ signal generation algorithm with reduced crest factor
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202006(11)-08
UDC: 621.371 : 621.391.64

K.Yu. Morozov – Head of Department,

JSC «Samara Innovative Business Radio Systems» (Samara) E-mail: mky@siprs.ru


This article proposes a modified algorithm for reducing the crest factor in broadcast transmitters of the DRM standard. Existing methods for reducing the crest factor in the DRM system are considered taking into account the limitations of this standard. Various options of the peak limiting method (clipping) with post-filtering are examined in detail. Criteria for estimation the quality of the DRM+ signal in the process of reducing the crest factor are proposed, the effectiveness of various options for clipping methods is analyzed. The proposed adaptive algorithm for reducing the crest factor is simulated. Comparative studies of the classical clipping method and the proposed algorithm are carried out, the high efficiency of the latter is shown.

Pages: 55-61
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Date of receipt: 17 марта 2020 г.