D.G. Pantenkov − Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Chief Designer of Radiocommunication Systems,
JSC «Kronstadt» (Moscow)
E-mail: pantenkov88@mail.ru
Currently, mobile satellite radio communication systems (SRCS) are widely used, which allow to transfer information between subscribers, including special ones, around the world, including remote areas from the main infrastructure for terrestrial radio communications. Thus, from point of view of radio electronic action (REA) may effect onboard the relay spacecraft (SC) ground (aircraft) means REA, and the subscriber terminals (ST) or main earth stations (ES), subject to the availability of radio line of sight between the means of the REA and the object of exposure – ST or ES. At the same time, there are not enough «direct» means of protection against interference in at or main ES systems of mobile satellite radio communication, in contrast, for example, to the navigation equipment of consumers of satellite radio navigation systems. The main methods of ensuring noise immunity at ST SRCS are the expansion of the spectrum of the connected signal (direct or with hopping frequency), the use of modern coding methods, the transition to a higher frequency range in order to narrow the main lobe of the radiation pattern. Moreover, the subscriber terminals in this case can be understood as terminals of personal satellite radio communication, and terminals as part of mobile robotic (unmanned, automatic) objects, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), transmitting command-telemetry and target information to a remote ground control and information processing center (GCIPC) using the orbital frequency resource of the spacecraft.
Taking into account the above, the purpose of this scientific and technical article is to consider the technical possibility of radio electronic impact on modern ST SRCS. To achieve this goal addressed the following key tasks: given the parameters of modern SRCS, developed a simplified block diagram of digital receiver models at the mathematical modeling work of at SRCS in the absence and presence of interference in the MathCad package, we obtained quantitative estimates of coefficients of influence, leading to malfunction SRCS with probability at least 0.9. In conclusion, the results of analysis and research are presented, conclusions are drawn, relevant proposals and recommendations for improving the noise immunity of SRCS are formed.
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