V.Yu. Pozdyshev – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department,
PJSC «Almaz-Antey» (Moscow)
E-mail: pozvalerij@yandex.ru
D.V. Golovanov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Sector,
PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)
E-mail: golovanovdv@mail.ru
In the processes of obtaining information in the interaction of radar and object, syntactic and semantic methods are used. The syntactic method is aimed at the structural analysis of information without regard to the content and usefulness of information. The semantic method involves content analysis of information.
To improve the radar facilities to search, detect and recognize signals in interferences the applying of complete electromagnetic vector about observed objects is suggested.
For single-channel radar any observed object is described with the radar cross section, RCS. However in some cases the information about observed objects can be lost. Polarimetric radar allows the utilization of complete electromagnetic vector information about observed objects described by 2х2 polarization scattering matrix (PSM) with four complex elements For simultaneous measurement of PSM elements the sophisticated signals with dual-orthogonality can be used.
For measuring the information efficiency of radar the polarimetric entropy as a measure of the information amount about observed object by the differences between them and the jammers and interferences can be used.
We consider information indicators of radar effectiveness for full polarization sensing, as well as the methodology for applying polarization entropy as an information measure in radar designing and estimation.
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