A.V. Kvasnov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
E-mail: Kvasnov_AV@spbstu.ru
The article discusses the application of the Bayesian programming methodology for recognition and classification of radio emission sources. The mathematical model of the Bayesian program involves assigning a family of probability distributions according to wellknown features contained in the training set. Based on the training sample, correlations between classes and types of objects are estimated and the probabilities of their identification are calculated. The architecture of the Bayesian program assumes the existence of criteria for assessing the representativeness of the sample, the target task of the technique (recognition, classification, etc.).
The research was carried out on based classifier of radar stations, containing 345 objects of 16 types. The following parameters were used as features of the received radio signal: station frequency range, pulse width, pulse repetition period, radar rotation frequency. The following assumptions were made: the signals do not contain intrapulse modulation, the law of feature distribution of signals is uniform or Poisson.
The results of simulation showed that the recognition of an object in automatic mode is possible with PREC > 0.15, and the classification of an object with PCLASS > 0.32. A type I error will be for recognized objects PREC_ER = 0.014…0.307, but for classified PCLASS_ER = 0.021…0.393. Therefore, it can be argued that the recognition of an object allows you to classify it. At the same time, the classification of an object does not mean that it will be recognized.
The results obtained in the article showed the consistency of the Bayesian programming technique under given assumptions. At the same time, a number of problems remain that should be addressed. First, this is the extension of the classifier and the use of a signal model with intrapulse modulation.
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