I.N. Kryukov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
N.V. Onufriev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor
Formulation of the problem. The creation or modernization (synthesis) of means for detecting violators includes the first 2 of 5 stages of the product’s life cycles: 1) research and substantiation of development; 2) development; 3) production; 4) operation; 5) overhaul. At the same time, a variety of approaches to assessing the quality of intruder detection tools and objectively incomplete quality of a priori data on the created technical sample often leads to the selection of insufficiently effective solutions leading to unattainability or a significant deviation of the characteristics of intruder detection tools from the expected result and requires clarification of the system for assessing the quality of detection tools violators at the stages of its synthesis
Formulation of the problem. In the synthesis of intruder detection tools for geographically distributed systems, a set of interconnected decisions is taken to achieve high quality indicators of the intruder detection tool. In the work from the position of a systematic analysis of the governing documents, the stages of the synthesis of a new product and the development of criteria for effective decisions are evaluated.
Goal. Theoretical justify the criteria apparatus of the quality of creating tools for detecting violators, taking into account key quality management procedures for production of technical products.
To achieve this goal, within the framework of changing the state of the product, from the standpoint of quality of production management, the key procedures of the stages of synthesis of the means of detecting violators are considered, taking into account the objective limitations of a priori information for each stage, target functions are identified, the performance criteria and quality indicators of the corresponding stages of the life cycle of the means of detecting violators are specified. The structure of the solution of the scientific problem includes systemic grounds for assessing the quality of means of detecting violators and criteria for the selection of rational decisions at the stages of its synthesis
Results. Through tactical, technical, operational and economic quality indicators, the interconnections of the processes of the main research processes, the rationale for the development and development of means for detecting violators are investigated, target functions and criteria for the effectiveness of the corresponding stages and stages of the life cycle of the means for detecting violators are formulated. The following are identified as quality indicators that are significant for research, justification of the development, manufacture and testing of a prototype of a means of detecting intruders: the effectiveness of its intended use, signaling reliability, compliance with the operational and tactical task to be solved, unification, standardization of design solutions, metrological reliability and technical and economic costs for the development and manufacture of the product. The developed system for assessing the quality of changes in the state of the means for detecting violators is consistent with the requirements of the main regulatory documents and significant works of scientists known in the subject area of this scientific publication.
Practical significance. Existing approaches to assessing the effectiveness of intruder detection tools are streamlined in relation to the quality of a priori information at certain stages and supplemented by previously not considered at the initial stages of development and scientific research of a new product.
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