A.A. Kostin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
V.A. Kostin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor
S.G. Kovalenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor
D.S. Kiselev – Ph.D.(Eng.)
A.V. Erlikhman – Ph.D.(Eng.)
A surveillance system of two or more means can be characterized by a field of instantaneous detection probability density. Such a field is a planar scalar field. To assess the radar surveillance system, only information about the probability of detection of targets is not enough, it is necessary to assess the characteristics of the surveillance system by the properties and characteristics of the scalar and vector radar field. Such assessments will allow us to develop proposals for the rational construction of the surveillance system. The purpose of the work is the assessment of the characteristics of the radar surveillance system in marine areas on the basis of elements of the mathematical field theory.
The instantaneous probability density of target detection by a radar surveillance system in marine areas is considered from the standpoint of mathematical field theory. The properties and characteristics of the field in partial derivatives are determined, allowing to form the assessment of the characteristics of the surveillance system by the property of target detection.
The possibilities of application of radar field assessment of the characteristics for improvement of the surveillance system on the property of target detection are shown.
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- Kostin A.A., Kiselev D.S., Mazurok D.O. Metodologicheskie podkhody k otsenke effektivnosti beregovykh sistem nablyudeniya. Radiotekhnika. 2019. № 2. S. 70−72. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201902-14. (in Russian)