A.Ya. Ryabets – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor
S.A. Udot – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associete Professor
The formation and selection of rational variants of geographically distributed protection systems (GDPS) requires the development and implementation of the concept of their holistic modeling under the influence of a complex of natural and geographical factors. The main goal of this process is to get a general idea of information subsystem for the formation and selection of rational options for geographically distributed security systems fulfilling the complex geoinformation modeling with the access to the assessments, search and choice of options. As a result of the described process for the first time a concept of general structure and description of geoinformation computing environment(GCE) is shaped up, general requirements to the combination of GDPS geoinformation models are formulated and an infological UML-model of GCE and GDPS is built. The understanding of the structure of information processing in GCE is rationalized in relation to the exact territorial option of GDPS andis distinguished by the execution of the direct iterativecalculative tasks containing transmissions between the geoinformational and abstract-topological presentation of GDPS.
Within the framework of GCE, the tasks of a holistic representation of GDPS should be solved on the basis of aggregation of private models, evaluation of efficiency, and selection of search directions for rational options for geographically distributed GDPS application. For this purpose, universal mathematical representations of the functional structure of the GDPS as a geographically distributed system are formed, and the representations themselves are provided with such content saturation that allows taking into account geographically specific features of the GCE application. Here it is proposed to use geoinformation technology as a basic and related technologies that structure the girs according to the following elements: a conceptual component that includes paradigmatic relations of spatial and content ordering of GDPS elements; calculated-a set of geoinformation models, techniques, algorithms that provide iterative, directed transitions between information and abstract topological representations of GDPS; information containing data on the composition and attributes of GDPS elements.
The proposed structure of the GCE gives an idea of the structure of the information processing process, ordered in relation to a geographically specific version of the GDPS. A distinctive feature of this process is the directed iterative nature of closing computational problems on the GDPS variant. Its focus is determined by the transitions between geoinformation and abstract topological representations of GDPS from less efficient to more efficient options and is provided with appropriate information and computing resources implemented on the basis of geoinformation technology.
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