O.P. Borchevkina – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Junior Research Scientist,
Kaliningrad branch of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS;
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Physics, Mathematics and IT of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
I.V. Karpov – Dr.Sc.(Phis.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist,
Kaliningrad branch of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS; Professor, Institute of Physics, Mathematics and IT of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
M.I. Karpov – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist,
Kaliningrad branch of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS;
Research Engineer, Laboratory of Applied Radiophysical Research of Atmosphere and Ionosphere,
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and IT of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
N.A. Korenkova – Senior Research Scientist,
Kaliningrad branch of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS
V.I. Vlasov – Senior Research Scientist,
Kaliningrad branch of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS V.S. Leshchenko – Head of the Observatory,
Kaliningrad branch of Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS;
Experimental studies of the state and dynamics of the ionosphere over development areas extreme meteorological events, shows the formation of various kinds of effects. During large-scale meteorological events at mid-latitudes in calm heliogeophysical conditions, when the impact on the ionosphere from above is minimal, change in the parameters of the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere 20% and more is noted. The development of physical perceptions of observed phenomena will contribute to the solution of fundamental problems of atmospheric physics, as well as solving a wide range of applications, among which there are the tasks of ensuring the reliable functioning of the radio communication systems in any natural or anthropogenic conditions. The purpose of the work is observation and analysis of atmospheric and ionospheric parameters in meteorological storm conditions in October 2018 in the Kaliningrad region.
The work presents the results of atmospheric and ionospheric observations carried out 22−25 September 2018, at the time when geomagnetic perturbations were absent. Analysis allows to conclude that ionospheric disturbances on 23−24 October are due to the influence of meteorological factors and, in particular, to the strengthening the processes of generation of AGV in the lower atmosphere. The most likely cause of negative ionosphere disturbances are the processes associated with the dissipation of acoustic-gravitational waves propagating from the field of meteorology storm and increased turbulence in the lower thermosphere. The experience with various communication and satellite navigation systems has revealed their sensitivity to various types of atmospheric and ionosphere disturbances that can lead to significant reduction in accuracy of navigation and positioning tasks, system failures links, etc., which determines the relevance and practical significance of the study of the effects of meteorological disturbances to the Earth 's upper atmosphere.
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- Borchevkina O.P., Karpov I.V. Ionosfernye neodnorodnosti v periody meteorologicheskikh vozmushchenii. Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya. 2017. T. 57. № 5. S. 670−675. (in Russian)
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- Karpov I.V., Borchevkina O.P., Karpov M.I. Lokalnye i regionalnye vozmushcheniya ionosfery v periody meteorologicheskikh vozmushchenii. Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya. 2019. T. 59. № 4. S. 492−500. (in Russian)
- Karpov I.V., Kshevetskii S.P., Borchevkina O.P., Radievskii A.V., Karpov A.I. Vozmushcheniya verkhnei atmosfery i ionosfery, initsiirovannye istochnikami akustiko-gravitatsionnykh voln v nizhnei atmosfere. Khimicheskaya fizika. 2016. T. 35. № 1. S. 59−64. (in Russian)
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- Karpov I.V., Karpov M.I., Borchevkina O.P., Yakimova G.A., Korenkova N.A. Prostranstvenno-vremennye variatsii ionosfery vo vremya meteorologicheskogo vozmushcheniya v dekabre 2010 g. Khimicheskaya fizika. 2019. T. 38. № 7. S. 79−85. (in Russian)