L.I. Dvoiris – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
V.A. Ivanov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
K.D. Galev – Ph.D.(Eng.)
Problem statement. Testing of advanced detection and recognition tools for moving objects based on seismic signals when setting the threshold or confirming characteristics assumes that there is a representative sample of signals and interference for different operating conditions. Creating such a signal database requires significant resources and high-precision recording equipment. Existing studies of the properties of seismic signals confirmed the non-Gaussian nature of the studied properties by the example of the probability density distribution of the total energy of the signals and the parameter of the amplitude distribution form. This fact opens up the validity of the application of algorithms for estimating the stability of the detection model to errors in the estimates of parameters of approximations of theoretical densities. Increasing the number of types of continuous distributions used to describe the theoretical densities of accumulated signal properties provides for the formation of latent (indirect) features based on estimates of the parameters of suitable distributions. The multidimensional feature space obtained in this way contributes to an increase in the number of both detection and recognition models. Dividing the overall "discovery" process into detection and recognition increases the ability to reduce false alarms and missed targets by identifying unique features in the time and frequency domain. Moreover, at each stage, it is advisable to use a set of detection and recognition models with the use of boosting (amplification) by various methods. All these features are available thanks to the improved microprocessor component base based on ARM cores. As of 2009, ARM processors accounted for up to 90 % of all embedded 32-bit processors. ARM processors are widely used in consumer electronics — including smartphones, mobile phones and iPods, portable game consoles, calculators, smartwatches, and computer peripherals such as hard drives or routers. These processors have low power consumption, so they are widely used in embedded systems and dominate the mobile device market, for which this factor is important. Verilog-sources of IP cores of potential chips allow developers to combine hardware blocks to provide computing capabilities of the chip for calculating features in a given time window for monitoring the signal. Such virtual chips can exist within not only FPGA/CPLD, but also in chips on basic matrix crystals, ensuring the operation of all algorithms without an operating system. On the way to creating intellectualized technical tools, developers have to face complex mathematical problems, which require approaches that have significant scientific novelty for improving the quality, expanding concepts and views on the tasks to be solved.
Goal. Develop an adequate mathematical apparatus with scientific novelty for simulating test signals from detection objects and interference with statistical characteristics close to real ones.
Results. Expressions for the simulation model of signal synthesis characteristic of detection and interference objects are obtained.
Practical significance. The practical possibilities of implementing a simulation model for the synthesis of test signals and interference with specified parameters as part of stands for setting up or testing detection paths are shown.
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- Galev K.D., Dvoiris L.I. Algoritm adaptivnoi nastroiki poroga obnaruzheniya. Radiotekhnika. 2018. № 2. S. 10−12. (in Russian)
- Tikhonov V.I., Shakhtarin B.I., Sizykh V.V. Sluchainye protsessy. Primery i zadachi. T. 4. Optimalnoe obnaruzhenie signalov. M.: MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. 2005. 368 s. (in Russian)
- Galev K.D., Dvoiris L.I., Ivanov V.A. Kriterii energeticheskogo obnaruzheniya ob'ektov na osnove analiza parametrov zakona raspredeleniya tsentrirovannykh i normirovannykh fonovykh signalov. Radiotekhnika. 2019. № 2. S. 34−39. DOI 10.18127/j00338486201902-07. (in Russian)
- Patent RF № 184012. Ustroistvo obnaruzheniya i raspoznavaniya dvizhushchikhsya ob'ektov po seismicheskomu signalu. Galev K.D. Zayavitel i pravoobladatel FGKOU VPO «KaPI». Zayavl. 12.12.17. Opubl. 11.10.18. (in Russian)