V.V. Sazonov – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,
JSC «A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute» (Moscow);
Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
Z.B. Sadykov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor,
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
D.T. Lobzhanidze – Deputy Main Designer, Main Project Engineer,
JSC «RTSoft» (Moscow)
E-mail: lobzhanidze.david.t@gmail.com
This paper considers the method of moving objects indication (MTI) based on extraction of their radar shadows (RS) formed on radar images (RI) obtained by synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Advantages and disadvantages of this method are presented and recommendations for its use are given. A model for calculating the RI of a moving object is shown and the characteristics of detection depending on the physical dimensions of the object are given. If moving object's shadow is existed along with the image shifted along the bearing then determination of direction should be performed along it. In this case, the difference between the bearings of the object and the shadow carries information about the longitudinal velocity of the object. Structural diagram of the multichannel SAR digital signal processing subsystem, with improved SWaP-C indexes is provided, which at the same time can provide RI of the area, detect moving objects, and transmit obtained data to command and control points from an small aerial vehicle in real time. In order to implement GMTI and mapping of the area by the SAR system in real time scale hybrid acceleration is preferred to use. The idea relies on that the computational load is distributed between the central processor and the accelerator, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages.
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