I.А. Petrov 1, A.L. Gelgor 2, T.V. Lavrukhin 3
1,2,3 Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies,
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
1 petrov_ia@spbstu.ru, 2 agelgor@spbstu.ru, 3 lavruhin3.t@edu.spbstu.ru
The article proposes an original method for estimation and compensation the inaccuracy of the local oscillator tuning to the center frequency in the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals receiver. The proposed method is used to improve positioning accuracy by means of code tracking loop operation with carrier aiding, i.e. with the assistance of carrier tracking loop. It, in turn, becomes possible only in case of the local oscillator accurate tuning to the center frequency of the receiver. Our approach is especially relevant for relatively inexpensive receivers with non-high-precision local oscillators. By processing the records of real navigation signals which were made using the high-precision local oscillator, it was shown that the algorithm based on the proposed method compensates the specially introduced inaccuracy of the local oscillator tuning and ensures positioning accuracy at the level of several meters, as in the case of no inaccuracy in the local oscillator tuning.
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