V.P. Krylov 1
1 AO «ONPP «Technology» named after A.G. Romashina» (Obninsk, Russia)
1 info@technologiya.ru
Statement of a problem. For development methods of definition of dielectric permeability the basis on measurement a plate in free space problems of reflection of an electromagnetic wave from a dielectric plate with variable electromagnetic parameters are considered. Calculations of the reflected waves are carried out within geometrical optics for a plate from homogeneous material with the known effective dielectric permeability results of which do not correspond to experimental data that causes assumptions of deviations in Fresnel's laws. The reasons of deviations described in literature connect these deviations with existence of losses in material or existence of an intermediate layer on a plate surface, but experiments show that it not absolutely so. Therefore an attempt of consideration of model of calculation is made, within geometrical optics, parameters of the reflected wave from a plate representing it material without dielectric losses as non-homogeneous that corresponds to experimental conditions.
Purpose. A research within geometrical optics of influence of electrodynamic parameters of non-homogeneous material on characteristics of the reflected wave from a plate at hades of an electromagnetic wave close to Brewster's corner.
Results. The model of representation of non-homogeneous material in the form of multilayered plainly parallel structure for calculations of c by use of geometrical optics of parameters of the reflected wave when falling a flat wave on a plate at an angle of Brewster is investigated
Practical importance. The model of non-homogeneous material is developed and calculations of parameters of the reflected wave when falling a plan wave at an angle Brewster the deviations explaining difference in Fresnel's laws observed in experiments are carried out.
Krylov V.P. Modelling of deviations in fresnel's laws for the reflected wave. Radiotekhnika. 2020. V. 84. № 12(23). P. 41−47. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202012(23)-05 (In Russian).
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