V.N. Antipov 1, A.V. Vitsukaev 2, O.V. Pavlovich 3
1 «MAI «Strela» (Moscow, Russia)
2,3 JSC «V.V. Tikhomirov Professional Equipment Research Studies Institute» (Moscow, Russia)
1 antipov.v.n@gmail.com; 2 sheaty@mail.ru; 3 PavlovichOV@yandex.ru
The authors of the article analyze key problems of a radar system development and appliance. They focus on the interference suppression and anti jamming. As a possible solution they propose to employ coherent and incoherent adaptive noise cancellers. They note that utilization of these devices may add an extra signal. This may cause shift of the difference antenna pattern or radar boresight equal signal direction zero that, in its turn, leads to errors in angular coordinates measuring. Appliance of a low side lobe compensatory antenna may decrease the influence of these mistakes.
Antipov V.N. Vitsukaev A.V., Pavlovich O.V. Errors in measuring the angular coordinates of the target when a jammer influences on the monopulse radar by side lobes of antenna pattern. Radiotekhnika. 2020. V. 84. № 12(23). P. 13−19. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202012(23)-02 (In Russian).
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