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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Experimental study of a direct-detection receiver
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127//j00338486-202011(22)-09
UDC: 621.396

D.E. Gubarev 1, A.V. Andrianov 2, A.N. Zikiy 3, A.I. Pustovalov 4

1, 2, 4 JSC «Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Russian)

3 Southern Federal University (Taganrog, Russian)

1 skyraninmyworld@mail.ru, 2 artur_andrianov_1990@mail.ru, 3 zikiy50@mail.ru, 4 pustovalov@yahoo.com


The emergence of electronic warfare is inextricably linked with the invention and introduction of radio communications in the military. Electronic warfare (EW) usually loses attention to fighters, tanks, anti-aircraft missile systems, etc. However, their significance in modern warfare is extremely large and diverse: from the suppression of remotely detonated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and disrupting enemy communications to the fight against air defense systems or enemy aircraft.

Direction finding receivers are an important part of electronic warfare equipment. Receivers of direct amplification do not emit, they do not have a heterodyne, so they can be detected only by a nonlinear locator, and this in turn is very problematic because they depend on the range of operating frequencies, sensitivity, dynamic range of amplitudes, accuracy of bearing and measurement of pulse duration, so their study is relevant.

Logarithmic receivers found wide application for detection and direction finding of radiation sources. They have high accuracy, sufficient speed and good repeatability.

Previously, logarithmic receivers of centimeter and millimeter wave ranges were studied [1−5], but their technical level is currently insufficient for a number of parameters: dynamic range, mass, dimensions, current consumption and cost. Possible ways to improve the receiver are to reduce the unevenness of the amplitude-frequency response, expand its functionality in terms of energy protection, blocking out-of-band signals, and expanding the dynamic range. Even more important is to increase the channel identity of the multi-channel receiver to reduce the bearing error.

The purpose of this work is to expand the dynamic range of the receiver, reduce its mass, size and current consumption.

The following requirements apply to the receiver: operating frequency range from 18 to 40 GHz; tangential sensitivity is not worse than minus 90 dBW; the dynamic range of signals at the receiver input is at least 55 dB; the minimum pulse duration is 0.1 MS; current consumption in the circuit +5 V no more than 0.45 A; the current consumption in the circuit minus 5 V is not more than 60 mA.

The basic parameters of the receiver are calculated and the dynamic range of the receiver is estimated as minimum and maximum. The advantages and disadvantages of the receiver and composite microwave nodes were also described.

Pages: 50-54
For citation

Gubarev D.E., Andrianov A.V., Zikiy A.N., Pustovalov A.I. Experimental study of a direct-detection receiver. Radioengineering. 2020. V. 84. № 11(22). P. 50−54. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202011(22)-09. (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 16.09.2020 г.