S.N. Kirillov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Radio Control and Communications
A.A. Lisnichuk – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radio Control and Communications
Problem statement: under conditions of a shortage of frequency resources, in practice, the same spectral range can be shared by radio communication systems based on signals with both direct sequences spread spectrum (DSSS) and without it (narrow-band radio channels). In this case, mutual interference takes place, limiting the realized characteristics of the radio systems. To reduce this interfering factor, the classical way is to increase the base of DSSS radio signals, which leads to an expansion of the occupied frequency range and a corresponding decrease in the action on narrow-band radio channel. However, with the limited speed of the digital transceiver equipment, this method also leads to a decrease in the speed of information transmission by the DSSS system.
Purpose: development and analysis of the realizable characteristics of the procedure for multi-criteria synthesis of DSSS signals for the efficient sharing of one frequency range with narrow-band radio channels.
Results: in comparison with the known signals, the synthesized ones reduce the negative impact on narrow-band radio channels (in terms of signal-to-interference ratio) by 6 dB and 21 dB, respectively, for the case of determining the ensemble of code sequences and radio signal envelope (signal set).
Practical relevance: the results obtained indicate the advisability of using a class of synthesized DSSS radio signals for efficient sharing of one frequency range with narrow-band radio channels.
Kirillov S.N., Lisnichuk A.A. Minimization of direct sequence spread spectrum signals impact on narrow-band radio channels. Radiotekhnika. 2020. V.84. № 11(21). P. 48−54. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202011(21)-06 (In Russian).
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