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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Performance of the load impedances’ technical implementation in a multichannel radio system with mutual influence of channels
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202011(21)-05
UDC: 621.396.2

M.V.Grachev – Junior Research Scientist, Department of Radio Engineering Devices

Yu.N. ParshinDr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department of Radio Engineering Devices


The research results show a noticeable increase in the efficiency of signal reception by multichannel radio systems with a mutual influence when using the optimal load impedances. The technical implementation of a load impedances optimization during operation requires the use of MEMS microwave technologies. The problem of the load impedances' technical implementation in a multichannel radio system with mutual influence are considered.

The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of errors in the optimal load impedances technical implementation on the signal-to-noise ratio and to assess the possibility of using modern technologies for tuning load impedances with the required accuracy.

Few approaches have been proposed for the design of multichannel systems using optimal load impedances. MEMS components have been researched to make it possible to implement the structure of adaptive load impedances in different signal-interference situations. The characteristics of the error in set the load impedances on the value of the signal-noise ratio investigated. Different ways of technical implementation for tunable active and reactive components of load impedances based on MEMS microwave technologies are considered. Methods for matching antenna elements with low-noise amplifiers are proposed: a priori and adaptive optimization of load impedances. The influence of the error in the load impedance values on the output signal-to-noise ratio of a multichannel radio system is investigated.

Thus the considered options for the optimal load impedances technical implementation in a multichannel radio system with a strong mutual influence allow matching the antenna system elements with low-noise amplifiers. That gives a significant gain in the signal-to-noise ratio output value, increases the signal reception efficiency, and reduces the requirements for the received signal power. For a given transmitter power, optimization of load impedances can increase the radio range. Analysis of various MEMS components for the implementation of adaptive load impedances showed that errors in setting the load impedances lead to a degradation of SNR by
0.17 dB compared to the values obtained at optimal values of load impedances.

Pages: 39-47
For citation

Grachev M.V., Parshin Yu.N. Performance of the load impedances’ technical implementation in a multichannel radio system with mutual influence of channels. Radiotekhnika. 2020. V.84. № 11(21). P. 39−47. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202011(21)-05 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 15.09.2020